Emiliano Treré interviewed in Argentinian radio about Cambridge Analytica

Our lab member Emiliano Treré has been interviewed by journalist María Laura Avignolo in the radio programme ‘Corresponsales en Línea’,  a programme carried out by correspondents of the Argentian newspapers ‘Clarín’ and ‘La Nación’ in Paris and London. In the interview Emiliano reflects on the social and cultural implications of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and on the consequences of new forms of algorithmic propaganda and manipulation, with particular attention to the Global South. During the interview, he underlines the need to move beyond concerns with the privacy of individuals on social media, and instead switch the debate towards a collective struggle for social justice that is much needed in times of digital authoritarianism. This is what we are trying to do at the Data Justice Lab at Cardiff University, he points out.

The programme will be broadcast on Sunday (25/3/18) from 2-4pm UK time. Listen along here: http://www.buenosaires.gob.ar/radiociudad

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